Dr. Mrinalini Gupta is Ayurvedic practisinor B.A.M.S.(Ayurvedacharya), specialized in pulse diagnosis and tongue diagnosis, yoga, diet and fitness expert, having 10+ years of experience in treating thousands of patients with various ailments & even having chronic or surgical problems only through pure Ayurvedic/ herbal medications and correcting the life schedule of the patient through diet and yoga practice. Passionate to provide the benefits of ayurveda for the betterment of society through intellectual growth towards a disease free world. Tejasvi Ayurveda – best ayrvedic Clinic/hospital in Chandigarh is a place to boost human health through Ayurveda, yoga & diet. Harmless and a powerful ancient Indian technique which not only cures the ailment but also rejuvenate the entire immune system & make body ready to fight against diseases, setting a goal not to let people fall ill and to cure the diseases To focus on treating the root cause of the diseases to bring sustainable